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Shooting a short film in Augsburg

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Die Teilnehmerinnen des P-Seminars Shooting a short film in Augsburg zeigen in kurzen Videos für jugendliche Touristen, was für sie Augsburg ausmacht und warum sie sich hier wohl fühlen. 

Die Regio Tourismus Augsburg hat die Videos auf ihrem You Tube Kanal veröffentlicht:

Here you can read more about the ideas behind their film…

I. We are Ebru and Akriti and our project is called “Augsburg then vs. now". The idea is to show historical pictures of Augsburg and compare them to Augsburg today. 

Our film is intended to be educational by showing Augsburg's history. 

II. When you take a stroll through Augsburg you will notice how often water crosses your path. Either in a fountain or a small river or in a historical sight… Since Augsburg has been UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2019, we wanted to give the topic more attention. After all: The story behind Augsburg and its water is part of the reason why we have clean tap water today. We, Mia Gagel Colomer and Mandy Kubiczek, did our best to bring out the most interesting sights connected to water in Augsburg and to show how diverse the topic of “water” is present all over Augsburg. Enjoy them all!

III. We are Yuexin Zhang and Aleyna Koruyucu. Our short film is titled “Religious diversity in Augsburg’’. With this video we want to show places of worship of different religions in Augsburg. Usually when people visit another city, a church, a synagogue or a mosque is not on their list of “places to visit’’. But we hope when people watch our video, they will become more interested in visiting these locations.  

IV. Cool Places to Chill in Augsburg

The three of us Matteo Lojewski, Jakub Kawecki and Samuel Stegmüller had a mission. A mission to show teenagers out there in the big world, what a great place Augsburg is to have a great time together with your friends.  Therefore, the three of us, the best of friends, had the perfect vision of giving young viewers everywhere the “true Augsburg experience”.

So, we asked our friends if they were interested to do what we all usually do in our free time, just this time with a camera. Going to our favorite places like Eiskanal, Kuhsee, Picnic, the Wittelsbacher Park and the inner city. 

Our goal was to capture Augsburg’s true essence, giving the viewer the feeling we experience “chilling” at these places. Every scene shows the viewer what you can do in Augsburg and where. We don’t talk much about each location because the genuine good time we have with each other on screen, speaks for itself.

Giving the teenagers watching the movie an idea of what they could do themselves when they visit our great city.  Encouraging them having the same fun experiences in our beautiful hometown as we have so many times. 

V. We are Fabian Wigger and Jonas Hofberger and our film features some of the places we thought are a must-see when you visit Augsburg. As the title Augsburg Sights Introduced by Dancers says, we tried to combine the love for our city with our passion for dancing. Fabian has been doing Hip-Hop for a good while now, while Jonas has been doing classical dances. Each sight was given a unique choreography and we are happy with the result. 

P.S. Das Seminar wird übrigens für den Abiturjahrgang 2022-2024 noch einmal angeboten, allerdings dieses Mal  in Zusammenarbeit mit Augsburg Marketing. 

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